Art Talk: San Quentin Art Program

Founders Room
Sun Apr 21, 2024
3:00 pm - 4:30 pm

A powerful exhibit featuring works from 10 formerly incarcerated San Quentin artists and collaborators connected with this transformative art program.

Register and attend this thought provoking panel discussing the San Quentin Art Program and how art it helped the artists heal while in San Quentin.

Isiah Daniels - Artist
Henry Frank - Artist
Gerald Morgan - Artist
Eddie Herena - Artist
Carol Newborg - San Quentin Prison Arts Project via William James Association
Diane Kahn - Humans of San Quentin
David Sutton - Marin County Public Defender

Show details

Reception, 2:00-3:00pm

Panel Discussion, 3:00-4:30pm

Exhibition runs from April 18 to June 13

Inside the confines of San Quentin, the incarcerated learn how art can serve as a cathartic outlet and help guide a journey of self discovery, healing and rehabilitation.

The art program instills a sense of purpose and accomplishment for those struggling to express their feelings, pains and dreams in a positive way. 

Come listen to the unheard voices of San Quentin artists!

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