Teen Movie & Pizza Night

20 Seats Remaining

Teen Movie & Pizza Night

Free for teens!

Sat Mar 30, 2024
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Hang out after hours with friends to watch a movie and enjoy pizza and treats.

Middle and high school students are invited to sign up for a monthly movie event and enjoy pizza and treats - for free!

The program is open to students in grades 6-12. Movies may be rated PG-13. 

Meet in the Teen Room after Teen Book Club (sign up separately if interested in the book club).

There are no ins & outs, and the rest of the library is off-limits.

Monthly movie titles will be posted.

This month's movie: Ender's Game PG-13; 114 minutes

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We often take pictures and videos at our events. Let us know if you want to be excluded. Call us at 415-789-2661