Beginning Chess for Kids

4 Seats Remaining

Beginning Chess for Kids

Corner Books
Sun Apr 21, 2024
1:00 pm - 1:45 pm

Get started in the chess world with our beginner-friendly class, where you'll learn the fundamentals and strategies to kickstart your chess journey.

Join us for beginning chess lessons for students in grades 3-5 only.

The class will cover an interactive lesson and end with free play.

We will start with how the pieces move in the first lesson and then basic tactics and checkmating patterns during our 6 weeks!

Sign up for the series to learn all about chess. If you miss the first class, you will need a basic understanding of how the pieces move to join us.

Beginning Chess is a teen-led class with Ryan Wolk, a local high school student who has previously taught chess with ChessPals.

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