Cocoa Hour

98 Seats Remaining

Cocoa Hour

Book Club for Early Readers Grades 1 & 2

Corner Books
Thu Apr 4, 2024
4:00 pm - 4:30 pm

Join us weekly for a group read aloud, discussion and of course cocoa!

Please join us for our weekly Cocoa Hour, a book club designed for early readers in first and second grades.

Together we will read aloud a book and have a discussion while we enjoy cocoa and cookies.

Copies of the book will be held in the library for use in Cocoa Hour, so there is no need to worry about checking out a copy!

Limited to early readers in 1st and 2nd Grades Only.

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We often take pictures and videos at our events. Let us know if you want to be excluded. Call us at 415-789-2661