Marin Harmony Chorus

70 Seats Remaining

Marin Harmony Chorus


Founders Room
Sat Apr 6, 2024
3:00 pm - 4:30 pm

Join the Marin Harmony Chorus for an afternoon of delightful music at the Library! This talented group of singers will fill the library with beautiful harmonies, sure to brighten your day.

Don't miss this chance to experience the joy of choral singing.

Lovers of choral music and anyone looking for an afternoon of uplifting entertainment, don't miss this performance!

The Marin Harmony Chorus is an acapella chorus specializing in Classic Rock, Doo-Wop, Pop and Jazz Standards. Daria has been the director for the past 7 years. Marin Harmony Chorus is a member of Sing Marin and performs annually at the Harmony Sweepstakes Sing Marin event in Larkspur, CA.

Join us for an afternoon of music in the Founders Room.

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