Red Panda Acrobats

75 Seats Remaining

Red Panda Acrobats

Founders Room
Thu Feb 8, 2024
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Join us for a special Lunar New Year celebration of Chinese acrobatics with Wayne Huey of Red Panda Acrobats. Registration not required.

Wayne Huey professionally trained with the Fu Hsing Acrobatic Academy in Taiwan, the Tai Yuan Acrobatic Troupe, and Shanghai Circus Schools in China. He spent seven years training at the three acrobatic schools, learning and perfecting his craft while pursuing his passions in the Chinese performance arts.

Wayne's acrobatic skills include juggling, balancing objects, unicycling, and handstands. His master teacher in China is the well known artist Mr. Niu Gui Zhang of the Tai Yuan Acrobatic Troupe in Shannxi Province. 

All ages welcome!

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