Newest Board Members
Both Stacy and Kathleen are experts in the Belvedere Tiburon Community and bring years of professional and volunteer experience to the Foundation Board.
In addition to helping with our existing fundraising activities in support of the libraries programs, both Stacy and Kathleen are excited to help raise additional funds for the building expansion.
1. What brought you to the Belvedere Tiburon Library?
S.A. Alicia Bell and her wonderful children’s story time! I have 4 kids and they have all enjoyed their time with Alicia.
K.B. Story time with Alicia Bell and her summer reading program. All three of our children have fond memories of both.
2. What is your favorite Library fundraiser?
S.A. I’m partial to Blackie’s Hay Day since I was a part of the very first one and then chaired it for many years after!
K.B. Blackie’s Hay Day as I have been a sponsor for years and have enjoyed bringing our children every year.
3. What are you most looking forward to with the expansion?
S.A. Teen Room! Now that those little kids are big kids, I really appreciate a quiet place where they can come to study, tutor and do research!
K.B. The expanded children’s library as it is near and dear to my heart.