virtual reality

AR/VR Station

Augmented reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) bridge the digital and physical worlds.
Get access to the hardware supporting the growth of this industry.

What's available?

  • Two Quest headsets
  • Blender Software
  • 360 Camera

What can I create?

  • VR Tours
  • Digital Art Assets

How can I use it?

  • Attend one of our VR events
  • Drop in and try a VR headset
  • Reserve a workstation to work on your project

Resources for makers


Coursera offers free online courses, many of them led by top colleges or companies like Google.

LinkedIn Learning for Library

Achieve personal and professional goals with this online learning platform that covers business, software, technology and creative skills in videos taught by experts.

O'Reilly Learning

Formerly Safari Books, O'Reilly Learning contains online books and videos on technology, digital media, and business.

Get in touch