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Upcoming Events
Afterschool Lounge
Teen RoomDrop in Wednesdays after school for snacks, studying, and hanging out. For grades 6-12.
Preschool Storytime
Children's RoomGet silly and join us for a fun and interactive Storytime for preschoolers!
Maker Lab
MakerspaceDo you love to build, tinker, and create? Join us in the library makerspace weekly to design, build, and experiment.
Lights, Camera, iMovie
MakerspaceEver dreamed of making your movies? Now's your chance to learn the ropes with iMovie, Apple's user-friendly video editing software. Fun for all ages.
RegisterFluent Italian Conversation Group
Founders RoomWant to improve your Italian conversation skills? Join our lively weekly group for discussions on current events, art, culture, and more!
Contemporary Fiction Book Club
Reading RoomA book club to discuss contemporary novels. Registration is required. Register early so we can help you find a copy of the book in time for the discussion!
RegisterCookie Club
Storytime RoomJoin us weekly for a group read aloud, discussion and of course cookies! Limited to students in first and second grades.
Lego Club
Digital ClassroomJoin us at the library for an exciting adventure into the world of LEGO!
Cricut Crafting for Beginners
MakerspaceLearn Cricut basics, design your first project, and leave with a personalized masterpiece. No experience needed, fun for all ages.
RegisterFilmmaking Workshop
Join our hands-on workshop series and learn the art of filmmaking from script to screen. No experience necessary!
RegisterFamily Storytime
Children's RoomJoin us for a fun and interactive morning of stories, puppets, songs and fingerplays!
Baby Bounce
Storytime RoomJoin us for stories, rhymes, movement, and fingerplays just for developing babies. Limited capacity for the first 10 pairs of caregivers and infants in the Children's Room.
Pajama Storytime
Storytime RoomCuddle up in your pajamas for stories, songs and rhymes before bedtime! Stuffies welcome.
Toddler Storytime
Founders RoomJoin us for a fun and interactive Storytime for toddlers! We will sing songs, move our bodies, read stories, learn new things, and play together.
Tuesday Crafternoon
Founders RoomWeekly craft program for children ages 5 and up in the Founder’s Room.
Craft Club
Storytime RoomThis month we will be making marbled paper designs. We will supply the shaving cream, food coloring and paper to create your personalized designs. Students in grades 2-3 only.